Factors Determining Good Online Top 10 Lists


Among the most viewed sites are those that compare items. These could be food, games, sports, personalities, TV shows and so on. Most people are drawn to the elements of competition offered by these sites. While coming up with the ideal online top 10 lists, there are some factors one should consider. There are writers who have specialized with a particular niche. Others just blog or write on any topic that comes to mind.

Regardless of the group one belongs to, they should ensure that their topics are always catchy. Those that write on various topics are advised to put down issues whenever they get inspiration. There are forums with list reviews that can be of great help to anyone who wants to write top 10 lists. For those who are into niche reporting, it is important to keep abreast of what is taking place in that field or industry. Readers will know an ignorant writer from a mile away.

One of the purposes of having these top 10 lists is to inform. One should ensure that they inform and educate the reader as much as possible. This should be done clearly and with few words. You will not have much to write if you do not conduct research. Online surveys, polls and in some instances interviews can be of great help. The raw data from the research will help you come up with your list.

Sometimes readers get a better understanding with photos in the top 10 lists. You can use one-liners accompanied with pictures or small paragraphs with the photos. The photos should be colorful and inviting. One should, however, be careful not to get the message lost as they use photos. There are writers who have gone a step further and are now using graphics as well for their websites.

Videos are another feature that is commonly used on top 10 lists sites. This is mostly in sports, entertainment and trailers of movies. Make sure that the videos on the site have good picture and sound quality. Online top 10 list websites should always have fresh content. One could have written about a particular topic, only for an event to take place and nullify earlier results. The new content should be uploaded as soon as possible.

All factors, names and events that will be published on the website should be nothing but the truth. Readers will always appreciate credibility. You can find an example of this in the site at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/14/best-jobs-2015_n_7056118.html.


Online Top 10 Lists on Health


If you’re conscious about your health, you know the basics of keeping it optimal – nutrition, exercise, and spiritual development. However, the more you know about these three, the better the benefits they can give you.

So how do you stay informed? There are many ways, but one of the most accessible sources of worthwhile health-related information are online top 10 lists. An example is accessible in the site at http://www.ehow.com/list_5481635_10-needed-jobs-future.html.

  1. New Drugs

Some of the most useful health-related online top 10 lists are those which feature new drugs. Everyday, researchers around the world are performing experiments in search of better treatments for various diseases. If you or a loved one is dealing with a chronic disease, for example, these lists are a good place for you to keep track of new medicines that can help.

  1. Most Effective Fitness Routines

There are also lists of the most effective fitness routines of people these days. These lists can also be very specific. For example, they can feature the top 10 exercises that work to reduce belly fat, which is strongly associated with heart disease.

  1. Foods that Help Prevent Certain Diseases

Lists from this source featuring foods that prevent certain diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. are also worth reading. For example, in many of these lists, you will find berries because of their high antioxidant levels. Dark chocolate is also commonly featured as a heart-healthy food.

  1. Best Hospitals in the World

If you or a loved one is dealing with an illness that requires treatment abroad, an online list of the best hospitals in the world will sure come in handy. Sometimes, it’s not an issue of hospitals being well-manned or well-equipped to treat the illness, but rather whether or not they are affordable enough for the family. Sometimes, people seek treatment abroad, especially for surgeries, because the costs are much cheaper there.

  1. Exercises for the Soul

Health is not confined to the physical components of the body. It also includes a spiritual dimension. Online top 10 lists can give suggestions on how to exercise your soul or spirit to achieve better overall health. Examples would be top 10 yoga positions, top 10 ways to meditate, and so on and so forth.

Of course, these online top 10 lists are only there to serve as a guide. If you have the information in front of you and you don’t do anything about it, it will still amount to nothing. In the end, it’s what you do with the lists that actually matter. Click here to find out more about this.


Five Ways Online Top 10 Lists Help Us


Every day, we log on to the Internet and encounter all sorts of top 10 lists. Some of them are useful, some are not. In any case, these lists offer us options that we probably can’t come up with on our own. So in the end, they are still helpful to us in one way or another.

Here are five online top 10 lists we may enjoy or benefit from reading:

  1. Health-related Discoveries

If you check online at http://listabuzz.com, you will find many lists that tackle different discoveries in the world of health. New drugs against diabetes, new technologies to detect cancer, newly discovered antioxidant-rich foods, etc. Obviously, these are some of the most worthwhile top 10 lists we should be reading online.

  1. Active Charities

Some of the more meaningful online top 10 lists today are those which feature the most active charities in a certain location. If you’ve planning on making donations, you can search for these lists to know which charity organizations are most deserving. While all of them have one goal – to help – there are those which are more effective than the rest.

  1. Self-improvement Tips

If you look around, you will also find online top 10 lists of self-improvement tips. It doesn’t even need to be said, but this list can be very helpful to us too. It doesn’t hurt giving ourselves a reality check, and these self-improvement to-do lists can help us focus on a particular direction as we try to become better individuals.

  1. Movies to see or watch out for

Of course, when it comes to online top 10 lists, movies are some of the most favorite subjects. If you’re a movie buff, you will absolutely love these lists, whether you usually go to the cinema or just chill at home with your DVDs.

  1. New Artists

If you’re a music buff, online top 10 lists are also a great way to know who’s new on the block, who’s worth watching out for, or who’s actually on top of the charts, etc. Whether you work in the music industry or are a fan, these lists can give you an idea what to expect.

There are many top 10 lists which may not matter to you or even make sense, but there are those which can really have an impact on your life. The good thing is these lists are available online and are thus very conveniently available. You can know more about this at http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/12/politics/donald-trump-david-letterman-top-ten-list/.
